BETTER: Breeding Workshop September 2018

Breeding Workshop 2018 or acronym as BETTER was held in 2 cities in Indonesia. First workshop was held at Lampung City, 17 September 2018 and the second workshop was held at Yogyakarta City, 20 September 2018. This event aims to support breeding program in Indonesia to introduce Australian cattle behavior, breeding, nutrition, cage facility, animal welfare and standard transportation, and also animal health for Indonesian government officers in Sumatra and Java area.
There are capable speakers for this event from Institut Pertanian Bogor, Meat and Livestock Australia, Feedlot owner of PT Karunia Alam Sentosa Abadi, and experienced livestock officers of breeding cattle. This event was attended by Indonesian government officers especially from local government services of livestock in Sumatra and Java area, exporter and importer which is approximately 50 peoples attended in each city.